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Coming to a Close – September 2017

As a busy September is coming to a close, we are truly grateful that hurricanes Harvey and Irma spared us. Hurricane Jose is located well off our coast but still causing a very angry ocean. As we have seen the massive destruction caused by Harvey and Irma in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean, it reminds me that we are lucky to be held to such strict building codes. When I think back to the construction of my home and some extra expenses that were more “annoying” at the time of building like extra loads of fill dirt to raise our elevation and upgraded windows. Clearly, these additions may be no match for a category 5, it does offer some peace-of-mind when Jose is offshore or another storm may head our way. I am reminded of these building codes and strict inspections as I do a closing walk-thru this morning, and find myself thankful for excellent, quality builders on our little beach.



As another storm roars toward many islands and an unknown future track, please consider a donation, if possible.

Salvation Army

American Red Cross


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